Why Work With a Deck Builder Instead of Going the DIY Route?

professionally built deck done by Prince William Home Improvement

Pinterest may be full of DIY decks that look inviting and stable, but the internet is also filled with photos of Pinterest fails. Craft and home reno projects usually aren’t as easy as the sparkling after photos make them look, and let’s be honest: Internet photos aren’t always above board. What’s holding the deck up, for example, and how secure are the nails or screws that put it together? These are just some of the questions you never have to ask when you work with qualified deck builders instead of going the DIY route.

Plus, when Prince William Home Improvement constructs your deck, you can be confident there won’t be anything resembling a Pinterest fail. Here are three other reasons to work with a deck builder instead of doing it yourself.

1. The Right Materials and Design for Your Space

Not every deck should be created from the same material, and just because your friend’s two-level deck is to die for doesn’t mean the same design works well in your yard. A professional deck company starts by looking at your home and yard and talking to you about what you want in a deck. The deck built for a family of four that plans to host pool parties and barbecues in their backyard should differ from the deck belonging to a couple who wants to host intimate outdoor wine tastings in their small space.

At Prince William Home Improvement, we work with you to design a deck that meets your preferences for use and aesthetics and the needs of your space. Our goal is to create a natural-looking extension of your home, and we help you choose the materials that will hold up well to your use intentions and the climate in your area.

2. Save Time and Enjoy Your Deck Soon

Building decks probably isn’t your job. So if you build your own deck, you have to take a weekend off to get the job done or build it piecemeal between other items on your schedule. That can extend the time it takes to build your deck.

At Prince William Home Improvement, building decks is our job, and we can get it done while you see to other elements of your life. That ensures your deck is ready when you need it for events or enjoyment, all without interfering with your other obligations.

3. Know What the Deck Will Look Like Before Construction Begins

Many homeowners sketch out concepts for their decks before they begin a DIY project, but the majority of people aren’t equipped with the drafting skills and CAD software required to see a future deck in all its glory. At Prince William Home Improvement, we start with this step, designing a digital version of your deck so you can see what it will look like against your home. You can make tweaks in the design until the structure matches the dream deck in your mind, and then we go to work making the digital draft a physical reality on your property.

Working with a deck builder instead of building your own deck provides peace of mind in the structure and lets you know from day one that your deck will be functional and gorgeous. For more information about our deck building services, click here for a free estimate!